Key To Your Security: Stick With Keyed Locks For Your Business

12 December 2014
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a business owner who's about to get new locks put on a building, stick with old-fashioned, non-electronic, high-security keyed locks. Smart locks that function via smartphone apps or electronic fobs are becoming more and more common, with convenience as the main selling point. From hotels to homes, the electronic locks are gaining in popularity. But they still have issues, and you're better off with regular keyed locks until the smart locks see more improvement. Take a look at how keyed locks surpass electronic locks to see why this older technology is still valuable.

Less Technology Is Sometimes Better

Even though electronic locks are convenient -- if you're on the road and realize you forgot to lock something, wouldn't it be nice to be able to lock it via your phone? -- they do rely on a constant supply of electricity or battery power and access to either a fob or a phone. If you lose your phone, you might have trouble getting in. Or, someone who finds the phone who has not-so-nice motives can try to hack in and unlock your business.

Keyed locks, of course, don't need electricity, you don't have to worry about batteries running low, and there's no worry if you don't have a smartphone. Obviously you have to hang onto your key, and there's the risk of someone trying to use the key. But unless they know exactly which business the key belongs to, they're not going to have any luck. Plus, keys are not that difficult to replace. With smart locks, you could have to replace a circuit board in some cases.

Fewer Issues With Keyed Non-Electronic Locks

One of the bigger concerns with smart locks is that they are actually hackable. Companies are trying to come up with ways to thwart hackers, but when they make a new product, there are tech enthusiasts showing how hackable the products are. The concerns are not only that someone could get in, but also that someone could bypass access logs and make it look like no one got in, save for any missing items that people notice. It should be noted that many smart locks do have a keyhole. But that doesn't stop the hacking issue.

Keyed locks, meanwhile, have to deal only with the traditional lock issues -- lost keys, jammed lock, door kicked in, and so on. But good-quality, high-security deadbolts with sturdy strike plates and solid doors provide very good security in most circumstances. No lock is 100% impenetrable, but you can avoid adding extra issues to your business' security by staying with non-electronic locks.

For more information, contact Larry's Lock Safe & Security or a similar company.

If you have more questions about how to get the best security with a keyed, non-electronic lock, talk to a commercial locksmith today. They can help you evaluate your situation and find the best locks for your business.
