Left Your Keys In The Car? Two Reasons To Call An Auto Locksmith

16 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

It only takes a split-second for you to lock yourself out of the car. The American Automobile Association (AAA) estimates that about 4 million people lock themselves out of their vehicles on an annual basis. This statistic shows you how relatively common it is for this to happen so if you're in a similar situation, you shouldn't feel alone.

You get to determine how you're going to handle the circumstance. Do you waste time trying to pry one of your doors or windows open in hopes of making enough space for you to get inside the car? Or, do you ask for help right away? Find out why you should always call an auto locksmith the moment you realize you are locked out of your car.

Time Is of the Essence

Although it's possible to regain money or other material possessions when they've been lost, there is one commodity you can't get back: your time. Spending those precious minutes pulling on your door handles or searching for an object to break a window could cost you in expensive ways. For example, if you have a very important meeting to attend to at work you simply can't afford to turn your lockout into a do-it-yourself session. Other people at the conference likely have packed schedules and any detours could put them behind.

You should also consider your environment. If a nefarious character happens to see you struggling to get into your car, they might take advantage of your vulnerable situation and possibly cause harm.

Your Insurance Company May Reimburse The Lockout Fee

Getting back into your vehicle could be as quick and easy as a single phone call. Auto locksmiths are generally available at all hours of the day or night and are ready to serve. They can use their equipment to access the inside of your car very gently in a matter of minutes. 

If you're worried about the expense you might want to check with your insurance company. Some insurers will reimburse policyholders who have to pay lockout fees from their own pockets. Make sure you ask the locksmith to issue a receipt that can be submitted to your insurance representative as proof.

Know your options in advance so you can avoid some of the frustration that often comes with a lockout event. Keep the contact information of a local locksmith on your phone and you'll have easy access in an emergency. 
